Eileen Kowall has been a leader during challenging times. As our State Representative, she entered the Michigan legislature at the height of the Great Recession. She made the tough decisions to help guide Michigan through the crisis & better position our state for the future.

Commissioner Kowall has been up to the challenges presented by the Covid-19 Pandemic. She has been actively engaged in efforts to protect the health of county residents, leading the way in outreach to senior citizens. Kowall has also been directly involved in efforts to save our county businesses and people’s livelihoods. Kowall has voted to protect our county budget, and our taxpayers’ money, fighting back against Democrat policies to exploit Covid-19 to increase spending and government control.

Kowall believes we can overcome the challenges of racial tensions with honest dialogue & empathy. Listen to each other & seek ways to address health & other disparities. Continue to back the blue, increase much-needed training and equipment for law enforcement & bring accountability to cops who abuse power to keep all in our community safe. Kowall will always fund the police who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe!

Eileen Kowall is always available & accessible to her constituents. Running in the new 7th County Commission District - encompassing Brandon, Ortonville, Springfield, Holly, Rose, Groveland, and parts of Highland, White Lake and Fenton - she will continue to provide top notch assistance to the community she represents. She keeps an open line of communication with local elected officials, as a liaison between local & county government. She regularly assists constituents with unemployment concerns & other issues of importance

In the upcoming August 2 primary election, vote for trusted, experienced, reasoned leadership. Make sure Eileen Kowall is the Republican candidate for the Oakland County Board of Commissioners-7th District!